Thursday 29 September 2022

Automated Food Supply Services – Choco Seeks to Reduce Food Waste By Optimizing the Food Industry (

‘Choco’ is a Berlin-based food-tech startup that aims to reduce food waste across the restaurant and supply industries by leveraging its first-party Choco software. The Choco software consolidates multiple sources of data into a single application, meaning it can incorporate the current inventory of restaurants, suppliers, and retailers, and determine which food items should go to which endpoint.

Choco stated that much of the food waste coming from the supplier and restaurant sides of the industry stems from communication barriers and unoptimized supply chains. Many restaurants over-order products to ensure that they have enough items for order rushes, while many suppliers are left with excess products that are close to their expiration date.

In addition to this, food is often wasted because restaurant owners maintain connections with a single set of suppliers, and never branch out from these suppliers. This means certain suppliers could offload more of certain items than necessary, whereas another supplier could easily fill this gap to level out inventories across the board.

The Choco software will solve these problems by simultaneously connecting the food service, food retailer, and food supplier industries on a platform that automates the optimal exchange of products.

Image Credit: Choco


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