Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Immersive Video-Streaming Glasses – Layer Designed the Viture One Smart Glasses to Stream Videos (TrendHunter.com)

Viture One are smart glasses explicitly designed for immersive video streaming. Designed by Benjamin Hubert’s studio called Layer, the glasses boast a stylistic shape for a seamless viewing experience. The tech company created the virtual screens to allow consumers to play games and stream media.

The smart glasses display a cinematic 120-inch screen that appears to float before the user’s eyes in virtual reality. Users can view the content without additional devices for a highly user-friendly experience. In addition, the Viture One can be used in various locations, showcasing the technology’s portable design. Most of the smart glasses’s usage is geared towards media streaming and communication with friends and family. Users can control the device with the accompanied neckband.

Image Credit: Layer


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