Samsung launched the Galaxy S20 FE smartphone in India back in October last year, but it was a 4G version powered by Exynos 990. Now the company is all set to launch the 5G version of the smartphone in India which will be powered by Snapdragon 865 SoC. The Galaxy S20 FE 4G version was launched at Rs. 49999, and the 5G version is expected to be launched in similar price range for the same 8GB RAM with 128GB storage version.
It is said to retain other features such as a 6.5-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED Infinity-O Flat Display with 120Hz refresh rate, in-display Optical Fingerprint Scanner, primary 12-megapixel primary sensor with OIS, 12-megapixel Ultra Wide Lens with a 123-degree field of view, 8-megapixel Telephoto lens with OIS for 3X optical Zoom and up to 30X digital zoom and a 32-megapixel front-facing camera.
It has IP68 ratings for water resistance and packs a 4,500mAh battery with support for wired 25W wired fast charging, but it comes with 15W charger in the box. The phone also has wireless charging and wireless PowerShare feature to charge Qi compatible devices on the back of the phone.
We should know more details including the price of the phone in India in a week.
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