iQOO has confirmed that it will launch its Snapdragon 888-powered phone in India soon priced under Rs. 40,000. This could be the most affordable phone with Snapdragon 888 to launch in India. In the teaser the company says “More Bang, Less Bucks!” and also adds “Put your seat belts on, this ride is going to be faster than we have done ever”.
The company launched its iQOO 3 smartphone last year in India, after the price cuts it was a huge success, but it didn’t launch the iQOO 5 in the country.
The iQOO 7 was introduced in China back in January starting at 3798 yuan (US$ 586 / Rs. 43,065 approx.) for the 8GB RAM with 128GB storage version, it looks like the company will launch the phone cheaper than the pricing in China. We should know more details about the phone including the exact launch date which is expected to be sometime in early April.
iQOO 7 specifications
- 6.62-inch (2400×1080 pixels) Full HD+ AMOLED 20:9 aspect ratio screen with HDR10+, 120Hz refresh rate, 105% NTSC color gamut
- Octa Core Snapdragon 888 5nm Mobile Platform with Adreno 660 GPU
- 8GB LPDDR5 RAM with 128GB (UFS 3.1) storage / 12GB LPDDR5 RAM with 256GB (UFS 3.1) storage
- Android 11 with iQOO UI
- Dual SIM (nano + nano)
- 48MP camera with f/1.79 aperture, LED flash, OIS + EIS, 13MP 120° ultra-wide sensor with f/2.2 aperture, 13MP portrait camera with f/2.46 aperture, OIS, 2x optical zoom, 20x digital zoom
- 16MP front-facing camera with f/2.0 aperture
- In-display fingerprint sensor
- USB Type-C audio, Stereo speakers, CS43131 amp, Hi-Fi audio
- Dimensions: 162.2x 75.8x 8.7mm; Weight:209.5g
- 5G SA/NSA, Dual 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 6 802.11 ax, Bluetooth 5.2,GPS/GLONASS, USB Type-C
- 4000mAh (Typical) battery with 120W ultra-fast flash charging
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