Earlier this month, sources in the industry revealed that Apple is getting ready to launch new iPad Pro models during an upcoming event in April. Now, within the code of the latest iOS 14.5 software, references to an Apple A14X SoC has been spotted, and it will likely debut in the new iPad Pro models.
In the iOS 14.5 code, there are references to a new GPU in a chip that’s codenamed “13G”, which according to Apple’s previous codenames suggests that it will likely be the Apple A14X. Codenames for the upcoming models have also been revealed to be J517, J518, J522, and J523.
The A14X will reportedly be based on the Apple M1 SoC, which corroborates with Bloomberg’s recent article about the new iPad Pro SoC matching the M1 chip’s performance. Other rumours for the iPad Pro models include a Mini-LED display, improved cameras and Thunderbolt connectivity.
The fact that the A14X was spotted now in iOS 14.5 instead of later in iOS 15 suggests that new iPad Pro launches are imminent. If the rumours are to be believed, we can expect Apple will hold an event in April 2021.
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