Fossil has launched their newest Android Wear OS smartwatch in India called the Fossil Gen 5E. It features an 1.19 inch AMOLED display, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Wear 3100 SoC, interchangeable watch bands, quick charging, various activity sensors and more.
The Gen 5E comes in two sizes – 42mm and 44mm, with 22mm interchangeable straps, and the both feature 1.19 inch AMOLED touch displays with a resolution of 390 x 390 and pixel density of 328ppi. The smartwatch is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 3100, has 1 GB of RAM and 4GB of storage.
The watch is water resistant at up to 3ATM, and it has various activity sensors such as a PPG Heart rate sensor that can be used to measure the real time heart rate, distance, step count, calorie count, etc. There is a speaker and microphone built-in so that it can be used to interface with the Google Assistant and for taking calls. Fossil claims it will have a battery life of more than 24 hours, and it supports quick charging, reaching 80% with 50 mins of charging.
The Fossil Gen 5E comes in Black Silicone, Brown Leather, Black Stainless Steel, Two-tone Stainless Steel, Rose Gold-Tone Stainless Steel/Mesh, and Blush Silicone versions and is available for purchase on Flipkart for a price of Rs. 18,495.
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