NVIDIA has announced their next GPU in the 30-series GeForce RTX series, called the GeForce RTX 3060 priced at Rs. 29,500 in India, and it costs $329 in the US. It is built on the Ampere architecture, featuring 12GB of GDDR6 memory, second generation RT cores, 3rd generation Tensor cores, support for NVIDIA Reflex technology and more.
The GeForce RTX 3060 is newest member of the 30-series RTX family, and is also currently the cheapest. It has 3584 CUDA cores, with a base clock of 1.32GHz and a boost clock of 1.78GHz. The GPU uses 12GB of GDDR6 memory that uses a 192-bit memory interface width, which is 4GB more than the more expensive RTX 3060Ti GPU.
Similar to the other 30-series GPUs, the RTX 3060 features NVIDIA’s 2nd generation Ray Tracing cores and 3rd generation Tensor cores. It supports PCIe Gen 4 connection, Resizable BAR technology, NVIDIA DLSS 2.0, HDMI 2.1 and 7th Gen NVENC. The card is rated for 170W and NVIDIA recommends a power supply that is rated for at least 550W.
Nvidia also announced the arrival of RTX 30-series laptop GPUs, that will be arriving in laptops starting Q1 2021. At the top of the line is the GeForce RTX 3080 LAPTOP GPU with 6144 CUDA cores, 16GB or 8GB of GDDR6 memory and boost clock of up to 1710MHz. The GPUs feature a number of other technologies such as Dynamic Boost 2.0, WhisperMode 2.0, Resizable BAR, and NVIDIA’s DLSS.
Laptops equipped with RTX 3060 GPUs will start at $999 (Approx. Rs. 73,075), those equipped with RTX 3070 GPUs will start at $1299 (Approx. Rs. 95,020) and those equipped with RTX 3080 GPUs will start at $1999 (Approx. Rs. 1,46,225).
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