Snapchat has announced a new feature called Spotlight where creators will be able to create and share video clips to the public. The feature is similar to Instagram’s Reels and TikTok, and Snapchat will pay a share of $1 million every day to the creators who share the most popular clips.
Snapchat will set aside an amount of $1 million every day for the rest of the year, with the creators of the most popular clips getting a share of the money pool. The share amount will be determined based on the total number of unique video views a Snap gets in a given day. Snapchat appears to be dedicated to getting more users to Spotlight with this rather large money pool, and will likely introduce advertisements to support the feature later on.
In many ways, Spotlight works similarly to Reels and TikTok. There are vertical videos auto-playing and users can skip through content by swiping up or down. Snapchat will not allow content that has been watermarked, which should help ensure that the videos are unique to the platform and not reuploads from Reels or TikTok.
There are added elements of privacy built-in too, such as public comments being completely disabled for all snaps and if a creator does not have a public account, instead has a private account, their username or handle will not be visible publicly.
Spotlight will roll out in US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and France first, with more countries to follow soon.
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