Sony has launched their newest camera in their Alpha 7 line, called the Alpha 7C in India. It has a full frame 24.2MP CMOS sensor in an astonishingly compact and light body, and features Sony’s advanced AF (autofocus) system, 4K video capabilities and more.
The compact and lightweight body was mad possible thanks to new mechanical components such as space-saving shutter and optical stabilization unit. With a full frame sensor and their BIONZ X image processing, the camera can perform much better in low-light, have 15-stops of dynamic range and better image depth.
It can shoot up to 4K 30fps or 1080p up to 120fps, and the camera supports HDR, HLG and S-Log/S-Gamut profiles. It uses Sony’s E-mount for lenses and the kit lens is a FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 zoom lens. The side-opening 3-inch LCD is capable of articulating and the camera has many AF tracking options such as Real-time Eye AF for Humans and Animals, etc.
The Sony Alpha 7C will be available for purchase for a price of Rs. 1,67,990 for body alone and Rs. 1,96,990 along with SEL2860 lens kit. It will be available at all Sony Centers, Alpha Flagship stores,, and major electronic stores across the country starting today.
Commenting on the launch, Mukesh Srivastava, Digital, Imaging Head, Sony India, in a statement said:
The new ‘Alpha 7C’ camera and FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 zoom lens packs most advanced imaging technologies in a brand new design which is the smallest and lightest full-frame camera and lens system in the world. We are opening up a new world of possibilities for content creators by giving them uncompromised power of a full-frame system in the palm of their hands.
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